The Endless Lies of Covid

The Dems/left/media continue to lie to all of us. They scream massive increases in Chinese Covid cases… we must lock down and destroy our economy and lifestyle!!! The real life reality is that yes, verified cases have increased a bit with the latest Chinese Covid variant – huge percentages, but in actuality, small numbers. Let's face it… if there were 100 cases that suddenly became 200 cases, there was a 100% increase. Is that really a significant increase? Not really. The dems/left/media love to manipulate numbers to suit their twisted view of reality that will continue to build their power and control of America. Chinese Covid is under control, something the dems/left/media will never admit. Why, you might ask? Donald Trump's response to the Chinese Covid pandemic was spot on, something the dems/left/media will never admit to… indeed, Sleepy Joe continues to claim Trump's programs as his own! Typical.