The Dow
12/08/16 20:28
Since the Donald’s landslide victory, the DOW has gained well over 1200 points - the largest gain ever.
This gain is despite the endless prattle of the Dems, leftists, and the unending misinterpretations/lieing of the media.
Since the election, the Donald has already saved some 1100 Carrier jobs scheduled to move to Mexico and brokered a deal a greater job creation investment from Asia, of some $50 BILLION dollars.
This gain is despite the endless prattle of the Dems, leftists, and the unending misinterpretations/lieing of the media.
Since the election, the Donald has already saved some 1100 Carrier jobs scheduled to move to Mexico and brokered a deal a greater job creation investment from Asia, of some $50 BILLION dollars.