Take a Breath and Stay Calm

The coronavirus is very real, our reaction to the coronavirus is very unreal. The Trump administration has mounted a tremendous, and very probably successful, effort to minimize the impact of the pandemic on the United States, despite the endless attacks, lies, and fabrications of the media and democrats. But, please! Yes, take care of yourself and your family by following health experts' recommendations, but stop your buying frenzy! Do you really need 200 rolls of toilet paper, 30 bottles of hand sanitizer, cases of paper towels, and carloads of cleaning supplies? Panic buying is causing very short-term shortages, but only because stores cannot restock their shelves anywhere near fast enough to keep up with demand. The supply chain of food and other necessities is more than adequate to meet American needs, but there are only so many trucks to move all that stuff to the stores and so many clerks to reload all the shelves. The major retailers, the big-box chains and even the small local dealers, are hiring hundreds of thousands of new temp and full-time staff to keep up. Give them a chance to do their jobs and refill our shelves!