Corporate "Right Think"
04/22/22 19:28
Corporations professing to become woke are actually doing a huge disservice to their stockholders. Corporations exist to provide some sort of service or product, the creation of which will create profits for their investors (share holders). When corporations switch from a pure profit motive to some sort of social justice motive, they cheat/defraud their share holders. That is NOT why they exist!!! Disney has now become a poster boy for the destructive nature of woke-ness. The state of Florida has now revoked Disney's decades old self-governance entitlement that, in all reality, allowed them to exist in their own governmental bubble. Right or wrong, Disney had been granted a blank check for managing their property, exclusive of the governmental entities in which they existed. In essence, they became a state within a state. Was this good or bad? That's really a judgement call beyond the subject of this blog. But, that status did come with a price… and that price was that Disney exist to profit their stockholders. By going off the wall woke, Disney violated the intent of their self-governess privilege – Florida was well within its rights to respond to Disney's violation of the terms of their special privileges.