Looney Left
04/22/17 20:45
It’s incomprehensible that the Looney Left is still blasting out lies, half-truths, and endless misinformation. Despite the efforts of the overly biased left wing media, President Trump is moving forward with his agenda to return America to a true position of world leadership and greatness. Obama’s hatred of America and her values is rapidly being rebuked.
All the paid-for, so-called protests are falling on deaf ears with the vast majority of Americans. The tyranny of the left is exposed every day - true Americans are tired of it!
Berkley’s attempted stiffling of free speech by any conservative voice has been one more nail in their coffin. Apparently, only Democrats and the rest of their left-wing looney dingbats are permitted to express an opinion. Anyone else is to be attacked with massive protests and riots. Hmmmm, how do left-wing riots, attacks, burning, destruction of property, etc., really further their point of view?
All the paid-for, so-called protests are falling on deaf ears with the vast majority of Americans. The tyranny of the left is exposed every day - true Americans are tired of it!
Berkley’s attempted stiffling of free speech by any conservative voice has been one more nail in their coffin. Apparently, only Democrats and the rest of their left-wing looney dingbats are permitted to express an opinion. Anyone else is to be attacked with massive protests and riots. Hmmmm, how do left-wing riots, attacks, burning, destruction of property, etc., really further their point of view?